
 Some facts about auto insurance coverage are sometimes more urban legend than reality. To separate the true from the false, here are the 9 common myths about auto insurance coverage.

"An accident caused by sneezing is not covered"

FALSE . If you have purchased collision protection (and not just civil liability), damage to your vehicle is well and truly covered by your insurer, no matter how cold you may be.

"Some high-end car models are not insurable"

FALSE . All car models are insurable. Of course, the premium should be expected to reflect the value of the vehicle.
Note that you have the choice to insure damage to your vehicle or not. On the other hand, it is compulsory to have a minimum of $ 50,000 in civil liability insurance.

"Red cars cost more to insure"

FALSE . Several criteria are used to calculate the insurance premium (model, driving experience, place of residence, type of use, coverage and deductible chosen) but the color is not one of them.

"An accident caused by running a red light is not covered"

FALSE . If you have purchased collision protection (and not just civil liability), damage to your vehicle is indeed covered by your insurer.

"I am not covered in the event of an accident caused by wanting to protect an animal on the road"

FALSE . If you have collision protection, the insurer will cover property damage even in this situation.

"The insurance premium increases when I am involved in an accident"

NOT NECESSARILY . Some insurers forgive a first accident and the impact of a claim on your premium varies from one insurer to another, depending on their policies and your level of responsibility in the accident.

"I am no longer insured as soon as I forget to make a payment to my insurer"

FALSE . You will receive a payment reminder, but you will still be covered by your insurer. On the other hand, an insurer can terminate your contract if the situation persists. He will then inform you in writing and let you know in advance the date on which the contract will end.

"I can decide to do without winter tires to save money"

FALSE . In Quebec, it is mandatory to have winter tires. They must be installed on your car by December 1 at the latest and you must keep them at least until March 15.

"The Quebec no-fault compensation plan exempts me from any liability if I have a car accident"

FALSE . The insurer always determines the liability for material damage. What is called no fault only applies to bodily injury; It is in the event of physical injuries that you are compensated without regard to your liability by the SAAQ. In the event of property damage, the insurer always establishes liability before compensating you.

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