
Cancer in a Tube: The Horrible Truth About Pringles Chips.

Do you like Pringles crisps? You are not the only one ! Me too ! Well, until I researched those famous chips. First, there is an incredible thing to know about these reconstituted industrial chips. Pringles are not made from potatoes! 

Yes, yes you read that right. It sounds unbelievable, but it is the reality. And it's not me who says it, it 's the manufacturer of Pringles himself!

 Indeed, the manufacturer of Pringles has even gone so far as to claim that the potato content of their chips is so low... 

That we cannot consider them to be made from potatoes! The manufacturer hoped to avoid a tax in the United Kingdom, because crisps are considered a luxury product there. 

Gosh ! If Pringles crisps aren't made from potatoes, then what are their main ingredients? 

How are Pringles crisps made? 

The composition of the Pringles leaves something to be desired... To begin with, a kind of porridge is made from rice, wheat, corn and potato flakes. 

This pasty substance is then flattened and advanced on a conveyor belt to molds. 

There, the chips are then shaped into their characteristic curved tile shape, allowing them to be stacked easily. 

Then, the tiles continue their way on a conveyor belt, through a bath of boiling oil. 

After which they are blown dry and sprayed with powdered flavourings. 

Finally, they are transferred to a conveyor belt at slow speed which piles them up and puts them into tubes. 

There you go, now the Pringles chips are ready for us naïve consumers to chew on... 

If people eat crisps, it's because they love their taste and crispy texture. But in reality, few people know that, among the many processed foods, crisps are among those that contain the most toxic substances. And this, whether they are made from potato flakes or not. 

These crisps are stuffed with acrylamide, a carcinogenic chemical derivative 

Paradoxically, one of the most dangerous ingredients in potato chips is not intentionally added by the manufacturers. 

This is acrylamide , a manufacturing by-product that is very bad for your health. 

This potentially neurotoxic substance is recognized as a proven carcinogen . Acrylamide is formed when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked at high temperatures (baking, oiling, roasting or even grilling). 

However, chips and fries, which everyone loves, are among the foods that contain the most acrylamide. But that's not all. 

There are plenty of other foods that can also contain acrylamide when cooked or processed at temperatures above 100°C. 

Typically, this toxic substance forms when cooking dries out the surface of the food and turns it a brown or golden color like here: 

In fact, acrylamide can be formed in the following foods: 

- potatoes: crisps, fries and other forms of potatoes grilled or cooked in oil. 

- cereals: bread crusts, toast, oven-toasted breakfast cereals and many processed snacks. 

- coffee: roasted coffee beans and ground coffee. Surprisingly, chicory-based coffee alternatives, such as Ricoré, contain 2-3 times MORE acrylamide than traditional coffee! 

Why You Should Avoid Eating Pringles 

As you can see from the ingredients above, Pringles crisps cannot be considered normal food. 

The ingredient list is so long it gives a headache just trying to read it! Be aware that almost all of their nutritional value is lost during the processing process. Suffice to say that it does not bring much positive to your body... 

In addition, Pringles tiles are fried in bad fats . Of course, not all dietary fats are bad, but those used by Pringles clearly are. As if that weren't enough, the manufacturer also adds some super questionable food additives to "enhance" the taste of the crisps. Except that these chemical additives also act on your brain by creating a craving for more and more crisps! You understand better now why it feels like once you start eating Pringles, you just can't stop! It's not just a feeling... 

Pringles crisps are the antithesis of healthy eating. 

They are processed and are far too high in starch and fat. Not to mention the fact that these chips are made from very low quality ingredients. And since we tend to snack on them late in the evening, the body has a lot of trouble digesting them. In addition, this type of food dehydrates your body. Why ? Because crisps are packed with hard-to-absorb vegetable oils and don't contain water like vegetables). Snacking on a few Pringles chips once in a while isn't going to kill you... 

On the other hand, if you consume it regularly, it is clear that you are sacrificing your health... I don't know about you, but every time I eat Pringles late at night, I sleep badly. And when I wake up, I feel tired, bloated, dehydrated and have heavy legs. 

For a healthier alternative to Pringles, make homemade popcorn with olive oil or flaxseed oil. It may not be ideal in terms of nutritional value, but at least you are using fresh, quality oil. 

Or even better, make yourself fries with sweet potatoes. Baked crisps can be WORSE than those baked in oil! Don't eat Pringles, but buy baked chips to monitor your health? 

Normal, because manufacturers sell them as a "healthier" alternative to chips prepared in oil. But in reality, remember that acrylamide is formed when foods are cooked at high temperatures, including baking . 

According to data from the US Food and Drug Administration ( the FDA ), baked chips can contain up to 3 times more acrylamide than “traditional” chips! 

Note that this phenomenon also applies to the cooking of many other foods. Therefore, of all the types of high-heat cooking, baking potatoes is perhaps the most detrimental to your health . 

So, remember that ALL varieties of crisps contain acrylamide! 

Whether natural or not, prepared in the oven or in oil, all chips have harmful effects on your insulin levels! 

Acrylamide is not the only danger 

When food is cooked at high temperatures, acrylamide isn't the only toxic substance that can cause your DNA to change. 

The results of the HEATOX study carried out by the EU, show that there are more than 800 substances which are formed during cooking at high temperatures. 

And 52 are potentially carcinogenic . 

Besides the fact that acrylamide represents a real danger to public health... 

The HEATOX project also concludes that people are much less likely to ingest toxic substances when eating home-cooked foods. 

And this, as opposed to food prepared in restaurants or by industrial processes. 

Of course, zero risk does not exist. 

According to their calculations, if all of the existing recommendations are implemented, it is possible to reduce your acrylamide consumption by 40%. 

As a general rule, cooking your food at high temperatures is not recommended. 

Here are the most well-known toxic substances that are formed during high temperature cooking. 

Heterocyclic amines (HCA): also linked to cancer, they are formed in particular in the black part of grilled meat during cooking at high temperature. 

Therefore, avoid charring your meat at all costs, and avoid eating the black parts. 

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): when cooking food, drops of fat that drip onto a heat source turn into smoke. 

Subsequently, this smoke penetrates the meat and can contaminate it with carcinogenic PAHs. 

Glycation end products (GTPs): High temperature cooking (including pasteurization and sterilization) increases the formation of GTPs in foods. 

When you eat these foods, PTGs are transferred into your body. 

Over the years, PTG deposits build up. 

And they can cause oxidative stress (a type of assault on cell constituents), inflammation, and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease. 

How can harmful substances that form during cooking be avoided?

 To avoid toxic by-products, try to eat as many raw foods as possible or those with minimal processing. 

The rule is simple: the more a food is raw, the healthier it is. To start, try to adapt a diet that includes at least 1/3 raw food. Personally, 80% of the food I eat is raw, and I think that's one of the biggest contributors to my overall good health. Admittedly, making the transition to a diet without processed foods is not easy, especially at the beginning. To start, try to eliminate the most dangerous foods for your health. You'll see, it's easier than you think, and it's a big step in the right direction towards healthier eating. The foods you should eliminate or at least reduce are: - fries and potato chips , - all sodas (sweet or light, because sweeteners turn out to be even more harmful than fructose), - industrial cakes found in supermarkets. 

Adopting a healthy diet is not so complicated 

As you have understood, the more a food is cooked and processed, the less good it is for your body. 

Therefore, it is important to favor organic raw vegetables, grass-fed meat, healthy oils, dairy products made with raw milk as well as raw seeds and nuts. 

Raw organic and free-range eggs are a tremendous source of nutrients. 

Milk is another example of a food that is best eaten raw, as pasteurization has an effect on milk. It's simple. 

The secret to living a healthier life, losing those extra pounds, and enjoying your food is to eat UNPROCESSED foods . 

Contrary to what you might think, preparing a meal without processed foods is not that complicated. 

You will see... 

Once you get used to it, preparing good, healthy meals at home takes as long as going out to eat at a fast food chain! 

You will quickly see that you will feel better physically and mentally. 

And maybe also from a financial point of view, because processed foods are generally much more expensive than foods prepared at home. 

Finally, here are some other good tips to help you regain control of your health: 

Découvrez l'astuce ici : https://www.comment-economiser.fr/cancer-en-tube-la-verite-sur-les-chips-pringles.html

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