Why is Spider-Man the most popular hero in the Marvel stable? Faced with the last two iterations of our spider-powered hero, one can easily ask the question. The last two films of Jon Watts as sympathetic as they were, had never brought strong dramatic stakes to the character of the spider-man. The very adolescent version of the character is far from the young students presented by Sam Raimi and Marc Webb in the 2000s. More fun, less mature, more childish, like his actor Tom Holland (who nevertheless demonstrated his incredible talent to us actor in The Devil, all the time). Far from great power and great responsibility. Yet what made us vibrate so much at Raimi and Webb was this sentence. This simple but strong principle: that you can't do anything without consequence. Topics that Jon Watts and Disney's depictions of Spider-Man have struggled to address. But with the rights to the character set to revert to Sony, how does the teenage Spidey saga conclude? Well, simply by making it grow….
Sony is in any case very proud to have recovered its flagship character! With big logos well put before when the film is just beginning. All this in order to make us understand that with this return to Sony, we change universe, we change themes and we discover Peter's passage towards maturity. Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man has just emerged from his fight with Mysterio in London. MJ his girlfriend knows who he is, his best friend too, Aunt May too, and now everyone too! Mysterio having on his deathbed sent a video to the famous Daily Bugle, anti-Spider-Man blog, revealing the latter's identity. Peter caught in a mad panic finds himself in a media whirlwind and a hurricane of responsibilities. Giving him the idea to find Doctor Strange, and attempt to fix things through magic, making everyone forget its existence. But following a huge magical error, the iconic villains of the other hero sagas land in the world. And threaten to destroy the entire multiverse.

In order to preserve the many surprises of the film, we guarantee you a spoiler-free review. However, we strongly encourage you to see the film very very very soon in theaters if you don't want to miss the "WHAOU" aspect of each revelation that could leak at any time on the internet. As the film's script summary demonstrates, Jon Watts ' "fun" sagacomes to close on a new dose of guilty pleasure. Indeed, you must not be too fussy and observant. Let's be honest, the film is full of inconsistencies, each crazier than the next. But he is so cool! How not to fall in love? Especially since that's it, finally Peter meets the strong, dramatic and entertaining themes. Comic book fans will find references to the “One more day” story arcs, or even “The Clone saga” within the scenario. References that are terribly pleasant to discover on the big screen as they bring tension and compassion for our characters. The film sails from adventure to adventure, making its 140 minutes pass extremely quickly. We go out, we want more! But above all we go out, and we realize that it will have been necessary toJon Watts two films to finally make one interesting…
Because if the scenario takes solid bases by drawing inspiration from the greatest Spider-Man comics. It is served by nice visuals, but we are all quite artificial… The action scenes are readable, the production is clear and precise and if it surprises at times, especially the sequences with Doctor Strange, it remains above all quite conventional. Yet the subject had already been approached in a whole different way, in the excellent Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse . With strong visuals, effective direction, and all of that outside of the movie being an animated movie. Too bad, in the hands of another director, we could have hoped for a visually more interesting result. In any case, it will not be for Jon Watts ' "popcorn" production.that we will return. Basically, it must be admitted, Spider-Man: No Way Home is not a great movie. It's a big fan movie. The moods in the theaters demonstrated this to us on this first day of operation. We applaud, we shout, we live the life of Peter Parker for 140 minutes by his side. Because we've been living Peter's life for almost 20 years. We love Spider-Man like a Proust madeleine. And we will always identify with this poor little teenager with far too heavy a weight on his shoulders.

Spider-Man: No Way Home, is smart popcorn entertainment. Intelligent by its scenario which adapts the best stories of the character already created, by the report which it maintains with the nostalgia of its spectator. To the detriment of course of an innovative visual but which remains effective. The film is fun, funny, touching, vibrant, enjoyable and all this despite its flaws. It is a long-awaited learning film in the Disney universe, which comes to do good and energize this saga which has been dragging its feet since the beginning. Giving hope and desire for a crazier cinema for Spidey version of Tom Holland. Leaving us in the rush for a possible sequel, deeper and more impactful. And the film shows us the preview, there is plenty to do. It's a real guilty pleasure of undisguised cinema. Go see it quickly, the surprise is worth it.
Editorial review:
Louan N.
The lack of character building is felt more in this film, as Peter must (once again) choose between his moral duty and his personal fulfillment. When Homecoming was released , there was a lot of talk about Spidey's origin story being ignored in favor of a world where Peter was already on superhero adventures. But what good is it if there are no other developments to be made? It's irritating to see the same character repeatedly fail to learn lessons or show even a modicum of personal development. Add to that a plot that has more holes than Swiss cheese, iconic villains who barely have a voice, and uninviting action scenes, and it feels like No Way Homeis a package of highlights specifically designed to hit all the fan service codes. It gives us no clue as to where this story is headed, or why we should care.
Spider-Man: No Way Home hits theaters December 15, 2021.
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