The only urgency is to calm the pain before consulting a specialist for the best diagnosis. No need to go to hospital ER unless the skin has been torn by your trauma, you can't feel your foot, or your toes aren't well colored.
When to go to the emergency room for a sprain?
"Common sense also dictates that we consult urgently if the edema is major, the cracking is important or the joint is displaced. "If you did not see a doctor immediately after the sprain , it is necessary in all cases consult after 3 to 5 days of treatment.
Can I walk with a sprain?
In the vast majority of cases, walking is possible without help the day after the sprain or after a few days. As soon as walking is acquired without assistance, driving can be resumed.
When to consult for an ankle?
Ankle sprain : what to do and when to consult ? The first aid to provide, following a sprained ankle , is to stop all activity and apply cold to the joint. In case of serious lesions and intense pain of the ankle , it is necessary to consult urgently.
How to know if the ankle ligament is ruptured?
In order to assess the ankle , doctors gently touch the ankle to determine where the pain is most severe. If touching the skin over a ligament causes severe pain, the ligament is likely torn. If touching the skin over a bone is painful, the bone may be fractured.
How to put your foot with a sprain?
The best way is to elevate the limb and follow the RICE protocol: Rest, Ice, Contraction, Elevation. This means resting, icing, compressing and elevating the limb.
How to heal ankle ligaments?
Elevating the foot and applying ice can relieve pain and de-swell the ankle . In the event of rupture of the ligaments , the ankle must be supported for an extended period of time using an air splint (Aircast).
How to repair ankle ligament?
Treatment: In the event of a mild sprain, in addition to analgesic, anti-inflammatory and ice treatment, immobilization by splint is proposed between 10 and 21 days. In the event of a serious sprain, the splint with support must be worn rigorously 24 hours a day (except for the shower) for 6 weeks.
How do you know if a ligament is torn?
The first symptoms...
- Noise when breaking (crunching).
- Knee swelling.
- Sharp pain.
- Inability to put weight on the knee and walk properly.
- If other ligaments are involved in the injury, it is also possible to see bleeding appear under the skin, like a hematoma.
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